Christman Pool Service offers a variety of masonry services ranging from full renovation to small tile repairs. We repair Shotcrete pools, plaster, coping, tile and any other structural issues that you may come across in and around your swimming pool. If you have swimming pool repair related questions please call, as we are not only happy to provide you with an estimate, but also our professional and honest opinion.
Please keep in mind, the masonry schedule fills quickly and crews hit the ground running as soon as weather permits. All work is scheduled on a first come first serve basis, so if you know that you will need work done, please call so we can get you on the schedule.
A safety cover is a great alternative to using a tarp or nothing at all.They are made from ultra-strong, super dense mesh that blocks virtually all sunlight, keeping algae down and debris out, while still allowing rain and melting snow easily to drain through. It's the perfect choice for customers who have young children or pets and who want peace of mind. There are several different color and material options, which are subject to a price variance. We are dealers of Meyco and Loop-Loc pool covers.
Another option, rather than a complete refurbishment, is to power-wash the pool followed with an acid bath. This treatment can bring back the luster the pool surface once had. It is recommended if your pool hasn't been opened fora long period, or the plaster has begun to stain over time.The pool will have to be fully drained in order to complete the process, at which time we can address any other issues we may come across within the pool.
This process may not work on all pools, depending on the condition of existing plaster. Stains may have penetrated too deep into the plaster, and some pools may be too far aged to see a major difference.